Friday, March 5, 2010

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the animals' plan to take over?

In the book Animal Farm the animals are planning to rebel, because they don't like the way they are being treated. They think it is a smart idea, but what are they going to do without the farmer taking care of them? There are a lot of weaknesses to that plan, because it may have not been thought over very well. Now when you think of animals trying to take over it probably sounds a little insane. In Animal Farm the animals are sick of the farmer, and they want to get rid of him. Some animals say not to because of what the farmer provides for them. If they go through with their plan then they will have to feed themselves, and they might not know how to find food for themselves. They would also have to take good care of themselves and each other, because they won't have the farmer to take them to the vet if they get sick or hurt. They would also have to pick a leader, and picking a leader may make a problem for them, because they might not all agree on who their leader will be and they might start fighting and then they won't get anything done.In Animal Farm the animals say, "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause," but what if that animal wants to be leader, is that a cause? Also if they rebel, the farmer would probably just try and replace them with new animals, and they would probably get thrown out into the wild. If they get thrown out into the wild they probably wouldn't survive, because they have always lived on the farm and probably don't know how to take care of themselves. On the plus side though, if the animals go through with their plan then they won't have to worry about being treated badly. Also they would feel better about themselves, and they wouldn't have a lot to worry about. They could chose who stays and who goes, because "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others," they say. They would also be able to focus on more important things like family and survival, and they wouldn't have to worry about plowing or protecting the farm from evil. So if you were one of the animals in Animal Farm what would you have to say about this plan? I would say that we should just leave things the way they are. If we change things then it's probably just gonna end up badly and then our lives would be ruined forever. I would vote against. It reminds me of wars and the slaves trying to rebel against their owners,like in Haiti. Sometimes you need to think before you do something, because the impact of it may cause some bad things to happen in the future. Vote no it's the smart choice!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Power is... what is power? Even though many people have different ideas of what power is, I don't. Some people say that power is when someone tells you what to do because they want to be bossy. Others say that power is what makes your television and computer be able to run. Even though those are good ideas I think that power is when you have a possession of control. You have power over what you control. Let's say that you had power over the whole world, that means that you can do whatever you want with the world because you control it. You could use your power for the best, or you could use your power for the worst. If you use it for the best, you could stop world hunger or make homes for the homeless. Not everyone chooses to use their power for the good of others though. If some people choose to use their power for the good of themselves, they build a giant house for themselves. No matter how you use power it is what it is. Even though some say that power is when someone tells you what to do because they want to be bossy, or they say that it controls your electricity that's not what power really is. Power is possession of control. End of story. (See I have the power to make my post end)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why do people like music?

Rap, metal, country, pop, and rock are some types of music that people like. No matter what kind of music it is most people like music for a lot of the same reasons. Some may say that people like music ,because it has meaning and the sound is good;however they like it mainly because it helps them escape reality.

Most people say that the reason people like music is ,because it has meaning and can make you feel different emotions. For example, if you listen to certain kinds of music they may make you want to dance while others make you want to cry. Also a lot of music has very meaningful lyrics that may help you get through a tough day. Music is played during different occasions. Like at funerals they play sad music to fit the mood. At parties they play music that may make you want to dance. So music does make you feel different emotions, but that is not the main reason that people like it.

Music helps people escape reality. It is a great way to escape the real world. Some people just get lost in the music and they forget all about problems in life. Even if you may not literally leave the real world music helps you get away for a while. If you've had a tough day at school ,and you just want to calm down and relax most people will put on some music, because it soothes you. Also it may help keep you calm. If something bad happens ,and you just want to cry you can put on some music and dance to cheer you up. Different kinds of music are used for different things but it all comes back to escaping in the end. For example; music is used at school dances to get the kids to dance. However; when the music is off reality comes back ,and hits you in the face and you realize that music made that fun. Without music you would be stuck in everyday life forever without an escape. I think everyone would go insane, if we couldn't get away for a while. Music is like a vacation. If you want to get away from work you take a vacation to somewhere fun whereas; if you want to get away from problems at home or school you can just put on some music and rock out. So, if you can't afford a fancy vacation to a faraway place just remember music is a great escape.

These are some reasons that people like music. It has meaning and emotion. Mostly it is a great escape from reality. Escaping reality through music is important because without it we would all drown in our problems of life. This is why music is very important to people and why they like it.